Here are Some Other LTE's.
eWelcome to my attempt at making the longest text ever. I am doing this with my life cuz I am bored. I am bored and want something to do. I decided to do this! So welcome. This is the place where I will just babble about what I want. If you don't like what I rant about, go away. Go read some other LTE that talks about what you want. If you want to stay, get ready for my nonsense. This is gonna look bad. I am heavily inspired by the LTE Whiletrue on the link. He talks about waffles, so I will talk about pancakes. Pancakes are waffles but they are flat and taste different. I like them more than waffles. That doesn't mean that I hate waffles, I like them, but I like pancakes more. Anyway, i'm done with my pancake rant. I just want to say that I like to talk about some things that are the same or very similar, so I might repeat stuff. Sorry if you catch a mistake or a typo. Let's talk about something else. Keyboards let me type on this site. If it wasn't for my keyboard, this site wouldn't exist. Also, if you are seeing this, you probably also have a keyboard. Or a mouse. Maybe you used a mouse to copy tons of letters to search for this. If you did, GG. If you didn't, still GG for finding this. Still, you can if you want to. I like the copy and paste feature. I tried to make one of thse and copy it to another site, and I accidentally deleted it. I hope I don't need to rewrite this again. That would be 3 rewrites. The first website had a limit on characters that was really small, and the second one I accidentally deleted as I stated earlier. I won't try to repeat stuff, but i just did. I won't repeat stuff anymore. Anyway, time to talk about something else. Pencil sharpeners. They help you use your pencil more that once. If they didn't exist, I would have to use a knife to cut the pencil into the shape I want and also maybe cut by finger. That would be gross. I remember something about someone that cut off their own finger while slashing their neighbors tires. Why? Get common sense and be nice to your neighbors or instant karma will give you what you deserve. Oh, by the way, I learned that from one of RobertIDK's vids. He is one of my favorite youtubers, so I saw that vid and decided to mention him. I was just thinking about the pancakes and thought about other baked stuff. Cookies are something I eat almost daily. I love them a lot. They are my second favorite sweet only before pure chocolate. Chocolate is soooooo good. I would delete this whole thing if it meant not having chocolate if I didn't. I know that I don't have a lot of stuff written down, but still. It took me a while to access this site, so that means that I invested a lot of my time into this, so I will be sad if this thing gets deleted or if I accidentally delete it again. Ok, so i just put this through a word counter, and the word before the number is the 542nd word, and the 2,774th character. That means I have made some progress, but I will have to work on this for a long time if I want this to actually gain popularity. This is probably going to take a long time, but I like it, and I will do what I like. I just saw that Mr. Beast made a new vid (Here is the link for people reading in the future). I like Mr. Beast. He is one of my favorite youtubers, even though I don't always watch him. I like to watch a lot of youtubers, unlike video games. I only play roblox, and 80% of the time I only play one roblox game, called JToH, or Juke's Towers of Hell. I won't spend a lot of time ranting about a video game, but I will tell you what JToH is about. It is about climbing tower obbies, and they have no checkpoints. The difficulties go from easy to catastrophic. I like it because it is a game that actually has a challenge and diverse content, and is fun for me. I used to play minecraft, until a piglin brute killed me and I lost all of my items, including duplicated diamonds. Also, yesterday I think, minecraft released 1.17. This was written on 6/12/2021, and 1.17 released on 6/8/2021, so I guess not yesterday. Okay, I was gone for a while. I was outside and kind of got tired. Sorry if this section is worse than others. Anyway, now I don't like minecraft. The piglin killing me ruined minecraft for me. I like roblox a lot more. I have 20 minutes to write this next part, so this part might be rushed. Remember how I started this LTE talking about pancakes. No, I didn't have any. I just thought about how this started, which had pancakes in it. Sorry for mentioning them. I like chips. Chips are good and cool. I have some chips next to my computer. I looked at them and decided to put them into here. Let me put this through the word counter again. Again, the word before the number is the 908th word and the 4,637th character. I will do this every 2,000 characters or so. If this thing has some sharp subject changes, I am sorry about it. This thing is harder to write than you think, unless you have tried to write one of these before. It is hard to find something to talk about sometimes. I just found out that if I scroll to the perfect place, all I can see is this LTE. It will eventually become so long that this LTE is the only thing that you see for a long time, and will take a while to get to the beginning from the end. or vice versa. I think that this thing is 1,000 words. The first milestone. The next one will be 5000. Speaking of something else, I keep seeing these crazy "My Story Animated" channels. I'm actually watching one of them right now, though they are as quite crazy and fake, even though the channels say "Welcome to my real story."